All these little crispy things are falling from the sky...I like to jump and catch them and roll in the piles of them that mom is collecting. I wonder what she is going to with all of them?
Mom says afternoon walks in the Fall are the best! The air smells of cranberries.
Another Birthday Party!!! Dad and his friends are drinking beer so it must be good stuff, think I will give it
a try.
Later that month we all went to Taku lake for a walk and a picnic. I'm not too sure about this water thing, its wet and cold.
Mom and I went through Puppy I and Puppy II class. I think this was to train mom, so I played along. I made a lot of doggie friends and had a really good time!
Bright and Cheerful
The days are a tad dull and dreary so I have to look for bright and
cheerful in my archived photos.
We really like our Primary Care Doctor in Grand Fork...
Max Arrives at Golden Pines
With losses always seem to come additions. And we have a new one at our
house. This past week we welcomed another Max to Golden Pines.
*~On our way home!...
The Worst Family Photo
in the history of Wootube Family Photos. Apparently we have more work to do
on sit-stay … and down-stay … just on “stay” in general. Every time I had
to go...
The Great Blackberry Project.
I'm warning you now, that you are probably going to find this post kind of
boring. At some point last Fall, I decided I was going to tackle the
I insisted that this picture
needs to be viewed
in super extra largeness
seeing the colours
the minutiae of beauty
intertwined in my hair
Social Media
Since mommy wasted hours trying to figure out why you can't see our
comments on your blogs (plus she is saying HBO words),
for now you can find us on
The Story of a Skirt
Today, I’m going to tell you the story of a skirt–in particular, the gray
tulle number in the photo above. It doesn’t look like it has any business
Share Your Style Link Party #192
Happy New Year and welcome to the 192nd Share Your Style Link Party! I'm
Meredith of Southbound.Blog and I am so excited to be your host this week!
A Few of my Favorite Things… From a Crib Colorist
*Boost, Burst & Blast, Twink and Twink2, & Twinkle Gleam*
The Holidays are fast approaching and I couldn't help but share with you
all a few of my favori...
O. M. D. I got a new sister...
First of all, HI!! I'm not going to make excuses. BUTT, I HAVE to share
this news with you all. There is a long tedious back story to all of this,
but ...
April Chewy Review
It is time for our monthly Chewy.Com review. This month we decided to
review a Furminator brush.
This is what it looks like in the package
[image: photo...
Stewey's Slam Dunk Challenge Number One
Today, I'm out of my chair and into the yard, as I wish the Cavs good luck
on their playoff game! In honor of the occasion, I thought it would be fun
Nuthin' But A Dirty ol' Snowman Happening
You can see from the pictures...not much happening here. It snowed
today...and it stayed on the ground. It's still cold. The snow is melting
in the s...
After walking the BC's today I was on the back patio stretching while they
ran around the backyard playing with a Jolly Ball, obviously exhausted from
Blogville SAfety Week Search and Rescue
*Good Morning Everyone. WElcome to the Search and Rescue part of the
Blogville Community Safety Week.*
*I am Bert and I will be your guide thru this ver...