Tuesday evening I received a package from Florida.
It says it's from my friend Rudy Roo!
Oh cool! He sent me a Christmas card with his picture and a bully stick...and look, there is even something for mom and dad!
Ummm, look how thick and spicy it is. Gator sauce, now I gotta find me a gator to put it on! Do you think this will go with my raw diet? Oh, that's right, this was for mom and dad. I get the bully stick!
I love these things.
Thank You Roo! You're the Best!
Hah, there's Karma peeking out from under mom's coat watching the action!
Bet she wishes she could have my bully stick. No way Karma, it ain't gonna happen! Go ask mom for some of that catnip you like so much.
In the pink
I was in a pink mood in Hobby Lobby, it was the only shade of yarn that
spoke to me.
Colors of Strawberry Daze and Magenta to add to the stash.
I a...
6 hours ago