Many Thanks to Rudy Roo ( for the Versatile Blogger Award!
I feel so honored, Thank You Roo!
So I now need to share 7 things about myself with all of you.
1. I am very new to this Blogging stuff but am having such a great time. Thank you Brother Bandit for the inspiration!
2. I am depressed right now because my mom is a school nurse and her summer break is over and now she leaves me in the morning to go to work. I do have dad here with me and the 5 cats but I miss my mom!
3. I hate my neighbor dog Chili. He was mean to me when I was a puppy and now I try to attack him if he walks by my house. Mom says I gotta get over it and make friends but I'm not so sure about that!
4. I love all our cats but one. That would be Cleo. She is very attached to my mom and jealous of me and I feel exactly the same towards her!
5. We have a bed downstairs called the snuggle bed. I am not allowed on the bedroom bed where mom and dad sleep. When mom and I want to snuggle we go down to the snuggle bed and curl up together : ) We are usually joined buy a cat or two. I love to snuggle!
6. I am often smarter than my mom...but don't tell her. I don't want to hurt her feelings.
7. I love it when the cats bring the mice and birds into the house alive...I love to grab them and chew on them. Mom always tries to get them first so she can take then into the woods and let them go...what a waste of a great toy.
Now it is my pleasure to list 15 new blogs I like to read, well they may not all be new but I like them a lot!
Well, I could go on and on...
but now it is time to pass on this great award to my little Uncle Kirby!
I so look forward to watching him grow up to be big and strong like me! Keep on Bloggin'
My baby brother is 71 years old today.
Well here he is a long time ago using his new fishing rod in a water
bucket. Perhaps he was practicing his cast...
21 hours ago