Man am I a lucky dog! I got not one but two Versatile Blogger Awards! Ohh, and it is green, our favorite color! Thank you! Thank you! Thank you!
The first came from my good friend Sophie...
She is one beautiful doddlebug and lives in one of the most scenic places in Nova Soctia.
Her dad does some amazing photography and gardening too! If you haven't met her you are missing out.

Our second Versatile Blogger Award hails from the cutest little pair of Frenchies, Benny and Lilly. They are just packed full of fun and surprises. Good things come in little packages!
Be sure to visit them here...
Thank you both from the bottom of my heart!
Now to spill the beans about my peeps.
1. My dad is a geek and proud of it.
2. My mama has so many hobbies, she just loves to make things and grow things. She can't wait to retire so she can spend more time doing the things she loves most. And top of the list is me!
3. Mom and dad don't have any children, me and the cats are their kids.
4. Mama loves all animals and loves to scuba dive. She has even dove in the cold waters here in Alaska.
5. Mama was born in Anchorage, Territory of Alaska just before it became a State.
6. Mama is a pediatric nurse and worked in hospital for 24 years and is now a nurse for the local School District.
7. Mama watches my diet and feeds me raw, dad sneaks me junk food when she is not looking.
I am passing this award on to my new friends Mack and her big brother Murphy.
Mack just got spayed yesterday and I hope this makes her feel better. Go visit them at... and wish her well!