NOT... I just can't post this photo and not tell you all about it, now can I? Mom was playing Frisbee with me last night before dinner in a big open snow covered field. She saw black dots on the snow and realized I was bleeding. She wrapped my foot and leg up in a towel and drove me straight home and carried me into the house. She said my Dew Claw Pad was split wide open. She said I must have cut it on some ice or a sharp rock, maybe even some broken glass? She put a pressure dressing on it and called the 24hr. Vet. They said to bring me right in so off we go again.
The Dr. said he would need to do surgery later that night to re-sect the wound and do internal and external stitches and cover it with dog proof bandage. That she should leave me there and if all went well I could go home in the morning with some pain medications and antibiotics.
I thought mom was gonna cry and I was not going in the back room without a fight! Well, I did not win that fight but mom gave me her sweater to sleep with while I waited.
All went well and dad picked me up this morning and brought me home. He kept taking pictures of me and texting them to mom at work so she could see how I was doing. I was really disappointed that she didn't pick me up with dad. Now I had to wait all day to see her!
Mom came straight home from work and I gave her a greeting she will never forget... gave her another rash on her face from so much lickin' !
I gotta wear this thing on my leg for 3 weeks! Leash walking only and have to cover it with a bag when I go outside in the snow... we got lots more snow and I can't play in it! Cruel World!
The good thing is I don't have to wear the "cone of shame", I only lick people!
Bright and Cheerful
The days are a tad dull and dreary so I have to look for bright and
cheerful in my archived photos.
We really like our Primary Care Doctor in Grand Fork...
3 minutes ago