Some of you may remember that I tore open my stopper pad in early February and had to have it stitched back together and limit my boundless energy for three weeks. Here is my pad after the three weeks...
And now after a month it is looking really good...
Since I tend to scrape them up routinely mom has found me some Stopper Pad Guards. She bought these but thinks she will make my next pair as they look pretty easy.
These are popular with the agility and fly ball dogs.
We tested them out at the dog park and they are pretty comfy. I left them alone and they stayed on with no problem.
I think they look pretty sharp and mom says they were a conversation piece at the park because no other dog had a pair.
So for you rough and tumble scramblers out there this may be the ticket for you too!
My baby brother is 71 years old today.
Well here he is a long time ago using his new fishing rod in a water
bucket. Perhaps he was practicing his cast...
22 hours ago