Brady (originally Juno) was first born. He is very handsome and an awesome brother!

Chester Cheetoo (Kadnace), was second. I really miss him...
Next cam Boomer (Maddox)...another great brother to me
Boomer likes cats too!
I was next, but you know all about me : )
Them came my colorful sister Chelsey (Chesney). She is stunning!

After Chelsey came my Bro Bandit (Tettley). I think he is the character of the litter. You can go to his blog too!

Even though Rufio was born after me and technically I am the big brother, Ruf is defiantly the BIG Brother!
He is a bruiser!

Two more sisters to go. Piper came out next...she is a sweetheart.

Last but certainly not least is the zany Zuma! She was so attractive that Jamie kept her at home.
Rufio lives next door with Jamie's mom!

So those are all my sibs. I miss them and will probably never see them again.
I do have an uncle that I hope to meet that lives in Fairbanks Alaska. It's about 350 miles north of here and they may drive to Anchorage one day and we plan to get together to play!

He is the puppy second from the right and in the back.