Monday, July 25, 2011

What do you mean?

What do you mean the world doesn't revolve around me? Can that be???

Mama said today she is taking over the blog to share photos of some of our other finned and furry household friends!  Well, maybe just this once.  Cuz I really do believe the world revolves around me, I do.

Mama has a 55 gallon fish tank that sits between the entry area and the living room.  In it are many different kinds of fish, most of them Rainbow fish from Australia.  Do you detect a theme there? Australian fish, Australian Shepherd???   Anyhow they are very colorful for freshwater fish and she has had them longer than she has had me so they are really old!

She has red, turquoise , Praecox, Boeseman's and thread fin rainbow fish.

This is the Red Rainbow.  Looks like you need to clean the glass on that tank mom!
Mom says they look like hump back salmon or Humpy's.

This photo is a bit blurry but really shows the intense color of these fish.

Here is my buddy Kosmo.

Mickie napping in the afternoon sun.
He loves the front porch wicker chairs as a warm vantage point to watch the neighbors come and go.

I will leave you with this pensive shot of Mickie contemplating the great outdoors.
Hope you had a wonderful weekend!



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