Saturday, September 25, 2010

Indian Summer

So after an extremely rainy summer we are blessed with a nice sunny fall, except for a week of dense fog.
Mom is enjoying getting back out in the gardens again. Inside she has plants as well, including these pretty Orchids...
Even Grandma Connie is getting out and enjoying the nice weather!
These are Arctic Kiwi, Mom had her first harvest this year of about 20 little kiwis.  They taste just like the big ones but don't have the fuzz.

The black raspberries are almost ripe. Mom says the golden raspberries are still her favorite.
What's going on in your yard this weekend???

Aussie in need...Heidi

Just passing it on...Aussie in need...

KY, Leitchfield (Grayson Co): "Heidi", Deaf Australian Shepherd

I know Heidi's owner, and here is what she told me. First of all, Heidi was brought to us by animal control because she bit her owner. Not knowing all of the details, we approached Heidi we figured she was deaf because she lay so still and did not look up at our approach.
We approached her gently and calmly, and she was eager for us to pet her and hold her. She was frightened when we tried to loop a leash over her, so we let it go.
When her owner came to check on her and surrender her, I learned Heidi's story. The lady's brother first had Heidi, and when she chased his chickens, he beat her and said get her out of here or I'm going to kill her (even the woman admits her brother is not a nice person to animals). She took Heidi home and has kept her inside and she goes out to her fenced yard off leash. She thinks Heidi is between 3 and 4 years old. On Friday, she noticed that Heidi had fallen/jumped off the bed and was staggering and she thought he was having a seizure. When she grabbed Heidi, it scared her, and she bit the woman on the end of her index finger rather severely. She said that she had never seen behavior like this in her before and would take her back home except she is concerned something similar could happen to her grandchildren.
She loves Heidi and does not want anything bad to happen to her. If you think you have room to help this sweet girl, please contact us (email preferred at this time). Heidi is not spayed but we can get that done for around $50. She thinks Heidi can see some but is probably partially blind also. I also think she would handle a harness well and will be trying that.
Transportation is available. I will be driving to the northeast the weekend of Oct. 2/3 and would prefer to bring her rather than try a hand off transport. We could drive to other locations as needed.

If you can help Heidi, please contact:

Donna White

Grayson County Humane Society
Leitchfield Animal Shelter
213 William Thomason Byway
Leitchfield, KY 42754

Email: dwhite@aggressiveonline.net

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