(Weather persons here have been predicting rain for the past week and a half...luckily they have been wrong and we have had the most gorgeous weather. It was 74 F here today and it felt like 80! Today Ryker learned to swim and he swam till he could hardy go on, almost falling asleep in the water!)
Great day to head off to the Dog Park!!! It was hot so we walked straight to Connors Lake. I'm embarrassed to admit that I did not know how to swim. Last summer as a puppy I found it cold and scary. I would walk in up to my chest but that was it!
There were all kinds of dogs there and Frisbee was the game of choice. Now that's a game I know and love!

I made lots of new friends and then my good friend Molni showed up. She is a cute little Blue Healer. Look at her sticking out her tongue at the camera! She is a good swimmer and I figured it was time for me to learn. Mama waded out in the deep water to give me confidence and in I went. On attempt #2 I did it !!! ...then there was no stopping me!
This swimming is hard work, I'm pooped!

Time to dry off...and head home. And yeah, I fell asleep in the car again : )