Mama has a four day weekend....YaaHooo!
Guess you all know what I want to do!
Oh yeah Baby!
This rocks my world!
We just got another 6 inches of snow and I'm diggin' it!
Couldn't ask for a nicer day
Anyone care for a Frisbee full of snow?
Gotta stop and cool off a bit, I's gettin' hot!
Mama wants to butt in and rave about her little orchid. This thing has 34 blooms on it in the middle of friggin winter. She loves this little plant!
OK, I must admit it's pretty!
And no, she does not keep it outside! The light is just better for the photo :)
And on Valentines Day daddy got mama some more pretty flowers...
He sure knows how to pick em, ha ha!
Mama made him a super duper dinner and for dessert made him a German Cheesecake!

She hand dipped the strawberries too. She knows the way to his heart!
I had such a fun time watching all my friends go to the Valentines Ball. I just hate to dress up but maybe next year! I'll have to find me a date... guess I got a year to work on that.