I have been blessed with several mothers and grand mothers and would like to wish them all a great day and to say THANK YOU!
Love to you mama Gracie...for giving birth to me, loving the little puppy me and all my brothers and sisters too. What an awesome puppyhood I had!
Sooo Beautiful! |
I love you mama Gracie and grandma Kelsey! Happy Mothers Day to both of you! And to you too mama Jamie, I have pictures of you but not sure you want them posted so I won't, but that doesn't mean I love you any less!
Mama Jamie fed and cleaned up after all of us and taught us how to be good dogs! And love, she gave us tons of that!!!
And love to Grandma Connie, I sure miss you! I miss our snuggle times and our trips to daycare...so many good times.
I think my mama is missing her mama on this special day.
It is a tough time for all children no matter their age who have lost a mother, but a good time to give thanks and remember the good times!
My Grandma, my Pal |
Last but never least..Happy Mother's Day to my furever mama! I loves you a zillion licks!!!
Happy Mother's Day to all mothers...none of us would be here without you!