Monday, March 22, 2010


Mom said if I'm gonna be a Therapy Dog I have to get use to different situations, so she took me with her to a face casting workshop that her friend Erin Pollock and  Steph were doing.                                  http://www.keseypollock.com/wax.html

That is Erin on the the right and Steph Kese on the left.  They let me come in the studio and hang out while they made huge messes and nobody yelled at them. What up with that?

Here I am trying to mooch a snack!

Mom casted Grandma's face...pretty cool! Looks like grandma when she's sleeping.

It was a fun long day. Mom said she was proud of me for being well behaved. I was proud of her too. Just look how happy she made Grandma!


  1. How very cool! At first I thought all the faces lined up on the table had been photoshopped. Then I realized they were masks.

    I have a friend who is a sculpter. He did a hand cast of hubby and me and I can't imagine the sensation of that stuff being on my face!!!

  2. That is so cool! All those unattached faces would have sent my little brother into a frenzy. He's kind of wierd :) Glad you had such a fun day.

    Emma Rose

  3. Hey Ryker: I've met two new mini Aussies with blogs. Ace reminds me of you! Check them out!
    Love, Bandit ♥


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