Mom has been wanting to post pictures of her long passed Welsh Terriers. She said she considered getting one instead of me...holy cow! Can you believe that? I find it hard to wrap my head around. I do think they look like they would be a ton of fun to play with though. We don't have any around here that I have met as yet.
My father got Corkie when I was fresh out of college and living on my own. He was totally in love with this pup.
She was a "Pet Quality" pup, not destine to be a show dog. She was a great pet and devoted companion.
She was daddy's girl, but loving and wonderful with every one.
Dad learned to clip her himself. He did a pretty good job of it.
Corkie LOVED to open packages. She thought every package was for her. She had to be watched very carefully at Christmas time but once Christmas morning came she had to open them all! We spent a lot of time wrapping many milk bones up for her. She had such enthusiasm!
But Corkie's real love she shared with her dad...and that was duck hunting. She put many a retriever to shame on the duck flats. Here she is bringing in a duck.
Duffel Dog |
She loved it so much that when she saw dad starting to pack the car up she would try and hide in the car so he wouldn't forget to take her!
Corkie Island | | | | | |
Dock Diving |
She had an army sleeping bag that was her bed in camp. I don't think there was anyplace that she and dad would rather be than roaming the duck flats.
When Corkie was about five years old dad got a second Welsh Terrier.
Skippy or Skip for short. He was very handsome and sweet as could be.
But little Skip ad problems. He developed terrible seizures that did not respond to medication and before he reached a year of age we had to put him down. It was heartbreaking.
Corkie lived to the age of twelve and died of cancer of the jaw. Welch Terriers will always have a place in my heart. They are wonderful dogs, sweet, curious, energetic, smart and eager to please, a perfect package.
Awesome, the smell of brewing coffee as you wake.