Sunday, November 6, 2016

Post surgery and halloween fun...

We got snow on Friday the day of my surgery...

I grew a big lump on my back, Dr. biopsy'ed it and said it was just a fatty tumor so mama did not get it removed till it got grapefruit sized.

Turns out it was not just a fatty tumor but a hemangiopericytoma, cancerous but not likely to spread and it was encapsulated so they thing they got it all.  Now I have to be a good boy and let things heal!

 Mama got scary for the kids at school...

Her and a friend wore some spooky masks!

I worn a t-shirt to keep me from messing with my stitches!  I guess I could be Frankendogger.

 For Halloween night mama said she could not resist being a KILLER CLOWN!

She was so scary that some kids would not come near the door.  Adults and teens wanted selfies with her!

Hope you all had a great Halloween!

Bring on Thanksgiving, Bring on the food!


  1. Wow that is a big lump. We are so happy to hear you will be ok and it was just fatty stuff
    Lily & Edward

  2. Well, more than just fatty stuff but I'm gonna be fine!

  3. Hope you 'heel' up fast, Ryker! Your mom was too too scarey for me!!


  4. Your cancerous growth sounds scarier than your Mama as a Killer Clown. I hope that is the last you see of that kind of tumor. I hope you got some extra treats! I like your Mamas eye makeup!! You got snow before us!!! Yeah for you! :)

  5. Heal quickly, Ryker! I'm glad you don't still have to wear the cone of shame.

    Mama makes a great Killer Clown!


  6. Wow, those are quite the costumes Sandy! That was on huge lump on Ryker, hope it heals well and never returns. I've just started with Golden Paste, made the first batch today. Something you might be interested in! Take care and Happy Thanksgiving :)


Ryker is wiggling to hear your comments!

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